Literacy is the foundation of all subjects. Being able to communicate effectively is a core skill for development across the curriculum.
We have a well stocked Library, with our resident librarian and storyteller, Mrs Love.

Our Numeracy strategy helps pupils to develop their maths skills in a structured way. 

We use Numeracy 'Passports', which graduate the skills needed. 

Numeracy Passports

Every class has a French lesson once a week. We are unique in Primary schools in the area in offering a foreign language throughout the curriculum. The specialist French teacher is Madame Betteridge. French lessons start in Reception and continue through all their years at St. Michael's. Each year group are able to explore the language and culture in fun and exciting learning experiences; such as egg rolling, kings day, celebrating Christmas/Easter, games and role play. In Year 6, the children are lucky enough to take an educational trip to France. They are able to use the knowledge and language that they have built up over their time at St. Michael's. Not only can they apply the language but they are able to explore the French culture and traditions. 

Pupils participate in two PE lessons per week, both indoor and outdoor PE. Cold weather is no barrier to outdoor PE so please ensure your child has tracksuit bottoms and PE jumper in winter!

We offer extra curricular sports opportunities including football, netball, athletics and tag rugby.