School Values

At St. Michael's, we strive to live by four Core Values which complement our Christian foundation:


Creativity and Resilience

It is our belief that by instilling an understanding of these values in all our children, they will be equipped to thrive in an ever-changing world. Children are introduced to these from the moment they start at the school, through direct teaching, discussion and examples, as well as through modelling all the values in our everyday interactions with each other, irrespective of status.


· We are polite and thoughtful – saying please and thank you, holding doors open for others…

· We help one another

· We value what others have to say

· We speak kindly to each other

· We share our time, our ideas and the things we have with one another

· We take care of one another, especially when someone is hurt, or sad, or lonely

· We don’t leave others out of our games

· We help new children to quickly feel they belong

· We forgive one another

· We help one another to be happy

· We look after our school


· We are honest and truthful

· We set a good example for others to follow

· We treat each other fairly

· We take our responsibilities seriously

· We take responsibility for our own behaviour

· We ask for help when we need it

· We say we are sorry if we need to


· We are reasoning, questioning, inquisitive and curious

· We try to think new thoughts

· We try out new ideas

· We look for new ways to improve our school

· We work to achieve our hopes and dreams

· We look for new ways to solve problems

· We are reflective

· We are resourceful


· We keep going even when things get tough

· We think through problems carefully

· We try to do our best even when the work is difficult

· We listen carefully even if others around us are not

· We remember to do our homework

The Department for Education have reinforced the need “to create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.” 

To see how we promote and reinforce these values at St. Michael's, see our British Values document.