Tech Camp adventure here. Join us from 28th – 31st May, 9-4pm each day over the May half term. click on to book Please quote code MAY5 for a £5 discount.

A quick tour

"Journeying together with Christ"

  “Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.”

Proverbs 22:6

At St Michael’s C of E Primary School, we recognise the vital role that we have to help shape the lives of the children we are privileged to work with. Following Jesus’ example, we put the children at the heart of all we do, knowing that they are our future. Through both explicit and implicit teaching and modelling of our school vision and by living it out in practice through our four Christian Values of LoveIntegrityCreativity and  Resilience” we aim to create a community within our school and beyond, which is principled and start these children off on a journey in which they will always know that Christ will be with them.

We aim to inspire children to do their best in all aspects of their lives and celebrate all their successes.

Andrew Cumpstey

Head Teacher